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Text File | 1990-12-03 | 8.1 KB | 230 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- version 1.0 , 3 dec 1990
- (the latest version is always available for freq at 2:512/114)
- //////
- FileTrix is provided on a shareware basis as a service to the
- BBS community. You do not HAVE to pay for it, but it would
- be much appreciated.
- It's copyright 1990 J.W. Sinteur, and you may not sell
- it. You may distribute it, but you cannot ask any money for
- distribution other than normal costs (such as disk costs,
- on-line time (compuserve, etc), and download costs).
- If you feel that this is a usefull utility for you,
- let me know by sending a check for $20 to
- J.W. Sinteur
- Strawinskypad 82
- 2324 DB The Netherlands
- Apart from the message 'I like this', I will also
- consider this as a 'Please go on creating great utilities'
- message.
- /////
- known 'bug' in this version: messages to filetrix get
- imported into Mansion 7.15, and, because filetrix is usually an
- unknown username, rerouted to the sysop. Since this message
- will have been processed, it can safely be deleted. This is
- a mistake on Mansion 7.15's part, and I have informed Michael
- Pester of it.
- FileTrix does the same as AreaTrix, BUT ON FILES.
- Some sysops will want to distribute certain files to
- other nodes, either because they are boss of a FidoNet
- area, or because they've got a certain number of points,
- and want to distribute things like nodediffs, fidonews
- digests, etc. to them. FileTrix automates this process,
- and allows the points (and nodes) to automatically update
- the list of files they want to receive periodically
- Up until now, this was a task the sysop had to do by
- hand, with Tabby Robot. FileTrix automates this process.
- FileTrix is completely compatible with all TabbyNet compatible
- BBS systems. It works only on TabbyNet files, and thus is not
- dependedn on various BBS file formats. It is modelled after
- the AreaFix applications, which can be found on IBM systems,
- and was implemented as AreaTrix on the Macintosh by Pete Johnson.
- How to install:
- FileTrix consists of two applications, FileTrix Distribute
- and FileTrix Mail (note: you can rename them if your event
- chain gets too long...)
- drag FileTrix Distribute to the folder where all your other Tabby
- programs and your BBS program reside.
- with ResEdit, edit the STR resources to reflect your
- BBS situation.
- STR 1: the name of the application FileTrix Distribute will attempt
- to launch when, for whatever reason, the launch.next
- file is not found, or contains weird data.
- STR 2: the pathname of the folder where your Tabby work
- files (like the seenby.bbs, the dup data base, etc) are
- located.
- STR 3: the pathname of folder with the Tabby setup files
- (such as the schedule and the routing files)
- STR 4: the pathname of the folder where FileTrix will put
- a copy of the file to be distributed.
- STR 5: the pathname of the folder where fileTrix will look
- for files to be distributed.
- NOTE: STR 5 MUST contain the full pathname, including disk
- and folder names (example: 'HD:Folder:TabbyWork:') All
- others may contain partial pathnames. The shipped application
- contains string which reflect this. FileTrix distribute
- will NOT work if STR 5 is NOT a complete pathname.
- (Tabby 2.x puts received files into the folder defined in STR 2.
- Tabby 3.0 or later may change that.)
- next, put FileTrix Distribute into your event chain, if possible
- before Tabby sendNews and Tabby sendMail.
- NOTE: Don't forget to edit not only the events file with Tabby Maint,
- but also Tabby Robot and TabbyNey with ResEdit!
- Create two text files, one called:
- files.bbs
- and one called:
- Filetrix.setup
- both in the folder pointed at by STR 3 mentioned above.
- Files.bbs contains the following:
- per line:
- <magicname><tab><node><space><node><return>
- with a minimum of none, and a maximum of 8 node numbers per line
- Note that when you have no nodes listed, the Tab character is
- still required. This 8 node limit may change in the future. However,
- you may put the same magicname more than once into this file.
- An example of this would be:
- NODEDIFF 512/36 512/121
- This would distribute the nodediffs to nodes 512/36 and 512/121
- There is a current maximum of 60 lines in this file.
- The file filetrix.setup defines what the magic name NODEDIFF
- really means. In this file, there are the following lines:
- <magicname><tab><filename><return>
- For every magic name used in files.bbs, there must be a line
- in filetrix.setup
- An example:
- NODEDIFF nodediff.a##
- This would mean that the magic file name NODEDIFF points
- to a file with the name nodediff.a followed by two digits.
- The only wildcards allowed at this moment are the # and $ characters,
- # gets translated to 'any digit', meaning 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9.
- $ gets translated to 'any character', meaning a,b,c,d...x,y,z
- If this is not enough, contact me.
- Thus, when there are two files named:
- nodediff.a01
- nodediff.a08
- they BOTH will be distributed.
- When FileTrix Distribute has completed distributing the files, it will
- append '.filetrix' to their name. This may change in the future.
- With this release, there are sample files for filetrix.setup and
- files.bbs included.
- A sample run of FileTrix Distribute.
- When FileTrix Distribute launches, it wil first open the files.bbs and
- filetrix.setup and read the information in it. It will then
- search the file directory specified by STR 5. If it finds a file
- that needs to be distributed it will attempt to copy that file
- to the directory pointed at by STR 4. If there already exists a
- file with that name, it will look if that file is in an internal
- list of 'files copied there today' If it is in not that list, it
- will REPLACE the file. This means, if you distribute a file
- called, say, NETWORK512, which happens to be a file distributed
- weekly by the host of network 512, there may be a file called
- NETWORK512 in the directory left over from the distribution
- last week. This file will then be replaced by the newer copy of
- the NETWORK512.
- When fileTrix Distribute is finished copying the file into the 'outbound'
- directory (STR 4, remember?), it will generate a mail message
- for the sysop of the node where the file gets sent. It will
- also generate an entry in the 'sendfilesxxx/xxx' file that
- Tabby uses to keep track of the files to send to a certain node.
- When FileTrix Distribute is finished, it will launch the next application
- in the event chain.
- FileTrix Distribute will put an appropiate notice in the Tabby Log for
- every file it distributes.
- Thus, with Filetrix Distribute you can automate the distribution of
- files.
- Next, you would probably like to be able to automate the process
- of updating the list of files to distribute.
- First, copy the FileTrix Mail application to the same
- location as FileTrix Distribute.
- Second, put FileTrix Mail in your event chain (MUST be after
- Tabby DeliverNail and before the import routine that takes the
- message into your BBS).
- Next, change the following STR resources with ResEdit:
- STR 1: the name of the application FileTrix Distribute will attempt
- to launch when, for whatever reason, the launch.next
- file is not found, or contains weird data.
- STR 2: the pathname of the folder where your Tabby work
- files (like the seenby.bbs, the dup data base, etc) are
- located.
- STR 3: the pathname of folder with the Tabby setup files
- (such as the schedule and the routing files)
- Next, create a file called FileTrix.passwords. Every line
- in this file MUST be in this format:
- <node><tab><password><return>
- A sample fileTrix.passwords is included with this release.
- Put this file in the folder with Tabby setup files (STR 3)
- Now, your points and nodes can send mail to FileTrix to change
- which files they get without disturbing you.
- How they do this is explained in the document 'FileTrix.Help',
- included in this release. Please read it.
- Put the file 'FileTrix.Help' into the folder with Tabby
- setup files (STR 3) so that users who send FileTrix a message
- with a '?' in the subject get an explanation of the working
- of FileTrix.
- Optionally, you can also create a file called FileTrix.list
- in the folder with Tabby setup files. This file will be sent
- to all nodes who put a '-L' in their subject lines.
- An example is included.
- You can reach me at:
- John Sinteur, 2:512/114
- Strawinskypad 82
- 2324 DB Leiden
- The Netherlands
- sinteur@uvabick.uucp
- adegroot@hroeur5.bitnet
- or in the echo TABBY, MANSION, or MACSYSOP
- or by screaming loud enough.